The 5 Stages of Drug Addiction

His House Recovery Residence, Inc
2 min readMar 16, 2022

Drug addiction is not an uncommon disorder in the United States. When someone is addicted to drugs, they aren’t able to control their urge to use them despite the harm it causes them mentally and physically. It is a serious relapsing brain disease that negatively affects their relationships, economic security, and health. There are several reasons why someone may start abusing drugs. Including a history of trauma, depression, or social pressure.

There are plenty of drug abuse treatment programs in Georgia that can treat an individual’s compulsion for drugs. If we can identify the stages of addiction, we can get help from someone suffering from it before it worsens. Let’s have a look at these 5 stages-

First Use

It can be difficult to determine if your loved one is experimenting with a drug for the first time. Even if you catch hold of it, you can’t know if the experimental use will become something more serious. Keep a watch on how much they are experimenting with and what are the reasons for it.

Regular Use

As people begin to regularly use drugs, they show a pattern. They may use it only on the weekends or when they’re with friends but you’ll begin to notice the signs of addiction as drugs become more important to them.

Risky Use

As use becomes more frequent, you may notice a change in their behaviors that may shock you. They may indulge in dangerous behavior like driving while being high. Their performance at work or school may start to decline. Their relationships too will slowly start to deteriorate as they isolate themselves.


When a person begins to get dependent on drugs, they will show withdrawal symptoms when they go without their substance. They will develop an intense craving for drugs to feel good again. At this time, you need to enroll in a drug abuse treatment program to help them get rid of their dependency.


At the final stage, an individual can’t function without using drugs. They may face consequences such as losing their jobs or becoming homeless. Despite this, they continue using their substance. The only way to help them at the final stage is to change their behaviors around abuse which comes from enrolling in an abuse treatment program.


Drug abuse is a severe disorder that needs to be treated sensitively and quickly. Despite your sincere intentions, you can’t help them alone. They need professional treatment at an early stage. Drug abuse treatment programs can equip them with the help they need. They will stop an individual’s drug abuse and improve their psychological, occupational, and social functioning. By getting them enrolled in these programs, you can also help prevent them from indulging in potential criminal behaviors.

Author’s Bio- The writer is an avid blogger. The article is on drug abuse.

